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The host or host machine is the physical or virtual base for the home server. Most applications are intended to run containerized with Docker, but there are constraints to consider regarding the machine or operating system for the setup.


To establish a functional home server, start by selecting and installing a suitable Operating System.

After setting up the base system, proceed with additional package installations and configurations outlined in Setting up host to secure and optimize the server for web application hosting.

Familiarize yourself with Shell aliases for efficient command line interaction once the setup is complete.

Lastly, enable Maintenance tasks such as regular backups and updates to ensure smooth operation over time.

Operating system

Distribution selection

The setup is tailored for Linux. Factors like stability, security, ease of use, and documentation are crucial. Opting for Debian, renowned for reliability in server environments, is recommended.

OS installation

During distribution installation, you can preselect included software. Since a server setup is commonly display-less, omitting personal use software conserves resources. In Debian installation, at the Software selection stage, uncheck Desktop environments to skip installation of a graphical environment. For remote access, choose SSH server. Selecting Standard system utilities adds essential command line tools.